About Code Completions

Augment’s Code Completions integrates with your IDE’s native completions system to give you autocomplete-like suggestions as you type. You can accept all of a suggestion, accept partial suggestions a word or a line at a time, or just keep typing to ignore the suggestion.

Using Code Completions

To use code completions, simply start typing in your IDE. Augment will provide suggestions based on the context of your code. You can accept a suggestion by pressing Tab, or ignore it by continuing to type.

For example, add the following function to a TypeScript file:

function getUser(): Promise<User>;

As you type getUser, Augment will suggest the function signature. Press Tab to accept the suggestion. Augment will continue to offer suggestions until the function is complete, at which point you will have a function similar to:

function getUser(): Promise<User> {
  return fetch("/api/user/1")
    .then((response) => response.json())
    .then((json) => {
      return json as User;

Accepting Completions

We recommend configuring a custom keybinding to accept a word or line, see Keyboard shortcuts for more details.

ActionDefault keyboard shortcut
Toggle automatic completionscmd + ctrl + a
Accept inline suggestiontab
Accept next word of suggestioncmd +
Accept next line of suggestionNone (see above)
Reject suggestionescape
Ignore suggestionContinue typing through the suggestion

Disabling Completions

You can disable automatic code completions by clicking the Augment icon in the status bar and selecting Turn Automatic Completions Off, or from the command palette, select Augment: Toggle Automatic Completions.

Enable Completions

If you’ve temporarily disabled completions, you can re-enable them by clicking the Augment icon in the status bar and selecting Turn Automatic Completions On, or from the command palette, select Augment: Toggle Automatic Completions.