All available commands

:Augment enableGlobally enable suggestions (on by default)
:Augment disableGlobally disable suggestions
:Augment chat <message>Send a chat message to Augment
:Augment chat-newStart a new chat conversation
:Augment chat-toggleToggle the chat panel visibility
:Augment signinStart the sign in flow
:Augment signoutSign out of Augment
:Augment statusView the current status of the plugin
:Augment logView the plugin log

Creating custom shortcuts

You can create custom shortcuts for any of the above commands by adding mappings to your .vimrc or init.lua file. For example, to create a shortcut for the :Augment chat* commands, you can add the following mappings:

" Send a chat message in normal and visual mode
nnoremap <leader>ac :Augment chat<CR>
vnoremap <leader>ac :Augment chat<CR>

" Start a new chat conversation
nnoremap <leader>an :Augment chat-new<CR>

" Toggle the chat panel visibility
nnoremap <leader>at :Augment chat-toggle<CR>

Customizing accepting a completion suggestion

By default Tab is used to accept a suggestion. If you want to use a key other than Tab to accept a suggestion, create a mapping that calls augment#Accept(). The function takes an optional arugment used to specify the fallback text to insert if no suggestion is available.

" Use Ctrl-Y to accept a suggestion
inoremap <c-y> <cmd>call augment#Accept()<cr>

" Use enter to accept a suggestion, falling back to a newline if no suggestion
" is available
inoremap <cr> <cmd>call augment#Accept("\n")<cr>

You can disable the default Tab mapping by setting g:augment_disable_tab_mapping = v:true before the plugin is loaded.