About Installation

Installing Augment for Vim and Neovim is easy and will take you less than a minute. You can install the extension manually or you can use your favorite plugin manager.


Augment for Vim and Neovim requires a compatible version of Vim or Neovim, and Node.js:

DependencyMinimum version

1. Install the extension

Manual Installation

git clone https://github.com/augmentcode/augment.vim.git ~/.config/nvim/pack/augment/start/augment.vim

Using Lazy.nvim

Add the following to your init.lua file, then run :Lazy sync in Neovim. See more details about using Lazy.nvim on GitHub.

  -- Your other plugins here

2. Configure your workspace context

Add your project root to your workspace context by setting g:augment_workspace_folders in your .vimrc or init.lua file before the plugin is loaded. For example:

" Add to your .vimrc
let g:augment_workspace_folders = ['/path/to/project']

" Add to your init.lua
vim.g.augment_workspace_folders = {'/path/to/project'}

Augment’s Context Engine provides the best suggestions when it has access to your project’s codebase and any related repositories. See more details in Configure additional workspace context.

3. Sign-in to Augment

Open Vim or Neovim and sign-in to Augment with the following command:

:Augment signin