About additional code assistants

Augment is a code assistant that integrates into your favorite IDE’s code suggestion system. When multiple code assistants are enabled, they can conflict with each other and cause unexpected behavior. There are multiple ways to prevent conflicts, including uninstalling the additional code assistants or disabling them. For the most up to date instructions on disabling other assistants, please refer to their documentation.

Disable GitHub Copilot


Open the Extensions panel in Visual Studio Code

Click the Extensions icon in the sidebar, or use the keyboard shortcut Shift + CMD + X to show the Extensions panel.


Search for GitHub Copilot in your installed extensions

Using the search bar in the Extensions panel, search for GitHub Copilot.


Disable the extension

Click Disable to disable the extension, and click Restart Extensions.

Disable GitHub Copilot inline completions


Show GtiHub Copilot commands in the Command Palette

Click the GitHub Copilot icon in the status bar, or use the keyboard shortcut Shift + CMD + P to show the Command Palette.


Find Disable Completions in the Command Palette

Search or scroll for Disable Completions in the Command Palette.


Disable completions

Click Disable Completions to disable inline code completions.